Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Organizational Culture And...

Edgar Schein’s experiences he gained throughout the various professions he encountered during his life is what inspired this book. Educated and well decorated, Schein was the author of fourteen books and consultant for various company organizations. The knowledge and expertise the author shares in this book are invaluable to the reader and anyone focused on a positive culture and leadership environment. Although he attended different universities, Schein was focused and passionate for cultural psychology and the impact on organizations. He emphasizes on the importance of culture within a company and how it provides structure and meaning in the organization. Edgar Schein explains that you can create value in culture and strengthen the leadership aspects of the organization at the same time. This book suggest that developing the right kind of culture deeply relies on the values that managers are trying to instill in the organization. These values as the author explains, will cre ate a successful climate or culture and ultimately influence the leadership aspects in all levels of the organization. In the book Organizational Culture and Leadership, one can right away notice the author s emphasis on the comparison of assumptions just reviewing the table of contents. Although there are many questions about what truly defines a leader, Schein reveals how the creation and management of culture is uniquely affiliated with leadership. Throughout this book, Schein explains the closeShow MoreRelatedStrategic Planning For An Organization1032 Words   |  5 Pagesformulate feasible plans to achieve their objectives by using available resources and capabilities (BOOK). Strategic Planning 3 Strategic planning for information technology is one factor of an overall company vision for success. 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