Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Elderly are Changing the Face of Health Care Essay

The elderly aged 65 and older are the leading users of healthcare services nationwide. As the older Americans is an asset to the country, the increasingly aging population is a challenge. In 2050, the number of Americans aged 65 and older is projected to be 88.5 million, more than double its projected population of 40.2 million in 2010 (Vincent, and Velcoff). It is important to recognize the growth of the aging population, with the increasing health care costs and health care services that are in great demand, the health care system is changing and it is a challenge in delivering health care to the elderly. Providing and financing health care services have factors to help improve care of the older Americans is to advocate and educate†¦show more content†¦Patient factors include poor adherence, low tolerance of health outcomes and the inability to long-term health outcomes It is the lack of proper dosage, and complicated formularies of the complex drug (Murray). The benefi ts must therefore meet health budgets and health safety to help the elderly in these times and the future. The care of the elderly most importantly comes from their doctors and physicians to ensure patient safety, giving appropriate dosages and information, and quality care. Health care organizations must determine the costs that will meet guidelines of quality benefits. Overall it is the patient or the caregiver who must take responsibility for the patients medication and reaching better health. Using information technology is another important component to improve health care. Information technology can help improve the quality of care to older adults and their caregivers to better manage their own care. Information technology improves communication between doctors and patients by accessing Patient Portal, an online tool that offers patients a secure environment to perform functions like scheduling appointments, requesting refills on medications, looking at lab results and communicating with their providers in a confidential and secure manner (â€Å"What is a patient portal?†). By providing effective care physicians need computer systems to necessary track patientsShow MoreRelatedMental And Behavioral Health Services1216 Words   |  5 PagesFrom the moment of conception, people face an array of changes both physically and psychologically until death. Lifespan development is the name psychologists have given to the physical and cognitive changes that occur throughout a person’s life and one important issue in the field of Life-Span Developm ent is the topic of the elderly and the struggles that they face. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Does Binocular Rivalry Affect Our Conscious Perceptions

Binocular rivalry is the switching of perception between two images seen by the eyes simultaneously. Past research has indicated that some substances can affect binocular rivalry rate. In this study, we looked at the rate of binocular rivalry in undergraduate students when they had consumed either alcohol or caffeine, or were in a control group. We found that caffeine significantly sped up the rate of binocular rivalry, but that alcohol had no significant effect. This implies that substances may have an effect on perceptual switching and provides evidence for the different conditions that may affect our conscious perceptions. Introduction Binocular rivalry is a term used for the switching of perception between two different images that are simultaneously seen by the eyes. When this occurs, you are only conscious of one of these images at a time, with the dominant image switching between the two every few seconds. During binocular rivalry, either all or part of one of the images is suppressed from consciousness. There are three main properties of binocular rivalry; exclusivity, inevitability and stochasticity. Exclusivity means that only one image can be seen at a time, inevitability is that perception will always change at some point, as it is impossible to hold onto one image forever, and stochasticity is that switching will occur at unpredictable times (Fox and Herrmann, 1967). Many factors can influence the dominance of an image, including motion, contrast and salience.Show MoreRelatedThe Mechanics of Consciousness1571 Words   |  6 PagesConsciousness it is a state of awareness on both the external and internal actions and reaction toward different stimulus. Consciousness has greater impacts on our daily life and could influence survival of different organisms that lives on planet earth. The benefits is that it offers protection as it control the self .Consciousness regulate what we think and the reaction that we respond to the different experiences that we undergo on daily basis. Also, it allows us to either allow a thought or respond

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Data Communication and Networks

Question: Discuss about the Data Communication and Networks. Answer: Introduction In this report, the researcher has identified that Cisco Packet Tracer is a network monitoring and implementation tool. Now the researcher implementing a network diagram for the given scenario. In this report, every success of evidence is address with the justification. Here the researcher, use four types of devices to implement this network architecture such as Cisco router 1841, switch, server and PCs. This research report also includes the important functionality of the Cisco packet tracer. The identification of network monitoring tool The Cisco packet tracer is one of the best network design and monitoring tool for networking. In this application, a user can draw a network architecture by the available tools in this application (Hua and Lucas 2015). There are many Cisco product, which needs to drag and drop onto the canvas and connect them via the available connecting wires. These wires are used according to their requirements such as a switch and PCs connect through a copper cable connection. Figure 1: Cisco Packet Tracer Interface (Source: Created by author) Figure 2: Cisco Packet Tracer Simulation Tool (Source: Created by author) These devices contain CLI, CMD, simulation and GUI form that is used to configure as configured in real word configuration (Mohammadi and Murray 2013). Here a user can configure a demo of their real world network architecture where without any a headache they can test their network architecture plan. Key Features of Cisco Packet Tracer The Cisco packet provides supplements genuine hardware and empowers amplified learning opportunities past physical classroom difficulties. Underpins addresses, gathering and individual labs, homework, appraisals, contextual analyses, recreations, and rivalries. Reproduces consistent, continuous redesigns of hidden system rationale and exercises. Makes educating less demanding by giving a free, multiuser environment for educators to effortlessly show specific complex ideas (Hua and Lucas 2015). Engages understudies in investigating ideas, conduct analyses and testing their comprehension. It provides writing of learning exercises, undertakings, labs, and complex evaluations. Advances social learning through a system proficient (shared) application with open doors for the multiuser rivalry, past substitute teacher collaborations, long range interpersonal communication, and gaming (Wang and Chen 2014). Figure 3.0: Showing the supported protocols (Source: Hua and Lucas 2015) Now come the integrated functionality of Cisco packet tracer where two types of works space available such as logical and physical (Mohammadi and Murray 2013). In this application, the users can draw logical network topology by clustering the network tools. The physical workplace allows a graphical presentation of logical network topology. By this physical dimension, the users can get the sense, how the network devices such as a switch, router, firewall and hosts works and looks in the real environment. Figure 3: Server (Server: Created by author) The Network Implementation Now using this network-monitoring tool the researcher implement the logical topology of a city, where an ISP is used to provide the IP address to the hosts (Elias and Ali 2014). The ISP has a range of IP to Here this ISP cannot provide any IP address out of this range. In the below figure 4, showing this configuration. Figure 4: Showing the DHCP configuration of server device (Source: Created by author) Now the researcher configures this server as the DNS server, where a host can browse a website through the web browser (Archana 2015). Here this functionality is showing in few figures underneath. Figure 5: DNS Configuration (Source: Created by author) Figure 6: Functionality of Cisco PC Desktop (Source: created by author) Figure 7: Cisco Web Browser (Source: Created bu author) Figure 8: The logical topology (Source: Created bu author) Conclusion In the report, the researchers find that Cisco packet tracer is one of the useful network monitoring application. This application is used in the above all implementation and definition the tools. Here the researchers provided documentation for a huge range of supportive protocols, device, command prompt and GUI forms. The researcher implemented a network diagram for the given scenario. However, in this report, every success of evidence are addressed with the justification. After all assumption the feature of Cisco packet tracer, it can be concluded that this application includes all networking concept including physical and logical structure. Bibliographies Archana, C., 2015. 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Comparison between physical devices and simulator software for Cisco network technology teaching. In Computer Science Education (ICCSE), 2013 8th International Conference on (pp. 1357-1360). IEEE. Wang, C. and Chen, J.Y., 2014, May. Implementation of GRE Over IPsec VPN Enterprise Network Based on Cisco Packet Tracer. In 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing in Information Communication Technology. Atlantis Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Recreation of Characters by Angela Carters

Question: Describe about the essay Recreation of Characters by Angela Carters? Answer: Introduction: By tracing my vague memory of Beauty and the Beast, Frances traditional fairy tale written by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont, I recalled the memory of watching animation and reading it as an elementary student. I was so young that I was not able to understand the silent meaning of the story at that time. As we all know, the original movie and novel of Beauty and Beast is about good triumphing over the evil and it includes a happy ending. Angela Carters The Tigers Bride in The Bloody Camber, a retelling of Beauty and Beast by Jan Brett in The Classic Fairy Tales, both are based on the general fairy tale genre. To be specific, the fairy tale involves fantasy characters and component unrealistic such as necromancy. These elements are expressed well in two stories like another fairy tales. I want to focus on two characters; Bella and Beast and by comparing between Beauty and Beast and The Tigers Bride adaptation of Beauty and Beast. Moreover, I would like to identify the usage of meta phors and also what parts Carter wants to let audience know through the story. The story begins with the main character narrating herself in The Tigers Bride, whereas story in Beauty and Beast has led by third persons point of view. The plot of the story in Beauty and Beast unfolds in an objective point of view. On the contrary, in The Tigers bride, a first-person narrative speaks directly on behalf of Bella, one of the main charters, and the detailed description of the Bellas psychology is well expressed. The narrator, Bella, talks the story from standpoint of modern woman, and it represents progressive woman. In addition, the story has taken a subject view of the narrator, and it is resulted that the story has embodiment. As I mentioned, the most important characters, who are Beast and Beauty. I would like to talk about the Beast first. At the beginning of The Tigers Bride, it is surprising that a father has lost his dear daughter due to gambling even though he loves her a lot. As we look at I have lost my pear, my pearl beyond price (55), not only the father emphasized he cherish his daughter by using a metaphor of Peal, but he regarded her as a valuable object at the same time. Had he considered his daughter as a human with dignity, he was not able to place a bet her daughter instead of money. She is underestimated as a person who can be easily changed with money. Even though she decided to belong herself to the Beast, I believe that she did not want her father to sell her to the beast. Nevertheless, she did not blame her father, but she convinced that her father really loves her, You must not think my father valued me at less than a kings ransom; but, at no more than a kings ransom (54). In the story The Tigers Bride, I believe the position of females is underrated. Carter has proceeded with the language of age-old fairy tales with its reinterpretation in the form of focus upon a young woman who reaches sexual maturity. Though, it was completely the dependent on the soul of her father who remained in peril while she was growing up to this maturity. Carter has challenged the gender orientation of the term beauty with subverts of happy ending. Here, beauty is not equated with something good as depicted in the original. The author has challenged our assumptions(Munford). All through the storyline, the horror of beast has continuously been dominated by the beauty. The image of a man has been lowered and a fathers failure has been made more specific. Readers get a sense that it is about destruction of image, and then that of rebirth. Angela Carter had laid greater emphasis upon the inhuman condition and treatment of the women in the society. This has been reflected where the father of the lead character had sold her to the beast on losing a gambling game although she was like a pearl in his life. The situation is not only common in books but it is a reality in the society where we find the darker truth of women being ill-treated as objects. They are even sold as any other transaction to satisfy ones sexual desire. The lead character of the story is a young girl who just entered the stage of adulthood and the idea of getting naked in front of the beast gave her a goose bum. As the story progressed, she realized that she needs to be strong enough to fight for herself and the stereotypical society. Her vulnerability as well as weakness is to be overcome. So she slowly undresses her to the beast, revealing all that she once feared. This act of her had surely strengthened her individualism more with the help of the be ast, thereby allowing both to accept their stronger selves along with severe equality. Conclusion: This version was written during an era where a woman was expected to accept her very role in life to be an accessory for a man and to fulfill his sexual desires and even creation of heirs. At the same time, she needed to perform duties towards the family and prove herself lucrative to the family gains(Munford). However, Carter has been successful in portraying the various shades of the life of a woman through her writing. Carter never led to any form of conventional feminism. However, we get a notion that The Tigers Bride reflects upon the expectations of a woman confounding society. Carters story is subversive as she changes the plots radically along with her viewpoint and shades of characters. In conclusion it can be said that both the stories reflect the sufferings and dedication of female characters. In those days the female characters had to face many difficulties but in both the stories, the final result was favorable for the characters. These stories can be considered signific ant in that aspect. Work Cited: Brett, Jan.Beauty And The Beast. New York: Clarion Books, 1989. Print. Carter, Angela.The Bloody Chamber. New York: Harper Row, 1979. Print. Stowell, Louie, Victor Tavares, and Alison Kelly.Beauty The Beast. Tulsa: EDC Publ., 2007. Print.